
Friday, May 20, 2016

How To Save Money On Your Telephony Costs

Are you still using that old copper wire that’s charging you an arm and a leg in monthly telephone costs? Regular business phones can cost more money than they should and there’s no reason to pay it. It’s time to cut costs on monthly telephone bills, but there’s no reason you should have to cut the extra features as well.

Cancel Current Phone Service
The first step in saving money is to cancel your current phone service because it is obviously too expensive. With the advancement of the internet, mobile phones, and other technology, it doesn’t make sense to pay hundreds of dollars per month to communicate with others. Fortunately, there are ways to use the internet to your advantage when it comes to making phone calls.

Purchase a VoIP System
Next, purchase a VoIP system and have it installed. You can certainly do this for your residential home, but you will save an immense amount of money when you do this to your business. A business can have anywhere from a handful of phones to hundreds so there is going to be a lot of phone calls taking place. There will be a cost to replace every phone with new VoIP phones, but the savings are coming!

Free Calls
Yes, you read that right -- free calls! How is this possible? VoIP phone systems use your computer and the internet to allow the phone calls to be placed. So instead of paying monthly bills to a phone service provider, just continue to pay your internet bills. While there is a cost to install new phones and have the extensive interface for customization, it doesn’t compare to the amount you’ll save in monthly calling bills.

Are you looking to switch from your current phone service to a VoIP telephony system? Reliable Voice & Data Systems is here to provide your business with the installation, interface, and service of a VoIP phone system. Just give us a call at (800) 287-4500 today!

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