
Monday, September 10, 2018

How To Establish Positive Relationships With Clients During Phone Calls

Establishing a positive relationship with a client can be challenging. This is even more difficult when you have not met them in person and only converse with them on the phone. Fortunately, you can still win them over through phone calls. Keep reading to discover different tactics that can help you achieve this goal. 

Prepare Beforehand
It is never idea to get on a client call without preparing beforehand. If you do, they could surprise you with a question you do not know the answer to. Clearly, this can make you look unprepared and unprofessional. Prepping for the call ahead of time can help you refresh your memory on the account. It can also make you feel more confident. 

Practice Active Listening
Some business professionals think they need to dominate the conversation when they are on the phone with a client. However, this can be counterproductive if you do not take the time to listen to the clients' input. It is a good idea to go into the call as an active listener. 

Stay Positive
Your attitude and mood can have a big impact on how your next client call goes. To ensure that your call goes well, remember to smile and stay positive. This will also be reflected in your tone of voice. If you remain upbeat throughout the call, your client is more likely to match your enthusiasm. 

If your phone system is the reason why your clients are frustrated during calls, it is time to do something about it! We can help you find the phone system that is right for your particular business. To learn more or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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