
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Conversation Mistakes To Avoid

No one wants to be that person who makes a major communication blunder in the workplace. Even the most well-spoken employee can improve their communication skills. Below are some common conversation mistakes to avoid in order to become a better communicator.

Talking Without Listening
Listening is usually the aspect that is not taken into consideration when most people think about communication. However, being a good listener is a critical part of being a good communicator. To engage in active listening, listen to truly understand what the other person is saying.

Going Off On A Tangent
People start to ramble when they are anxious or nervous. It is important to fight this urge at all costs. After all, the other person you are conversing with may become disinterested in what you have to say when you go off on a tangent. 

Speaking Over Others
Interrupting someone when they are speaking can be interpreted as rude. Interjecting your opinion into the conversation communicates to the other person that you will not give them time to finish their thought. It could also indicate that you are not fully listening to their point of view.

Our phone systems help business professionals have meaningful conversations at work everyday! If you are in need of a new business phone system, turn to Reliable Voice & Data Systems for assistance. To learn more or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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Tips For Leading A Business Phone Call

Making phone calls can be nerve-wracking for some people, especially when it is in a business environment. Have you been selected to lead a business phone call at work? If so, below are some tips that can help you have a successful call with your colleagues or clients.

Introduce Yourself & Set The Agenda
The best way to kick off a business phone call is to introduce yourself and the topics you will be delving into. This will let the participants know who you are and what to expect throughout the call. It will also help keep you focused on the task at hand. 

Take Turns Speaking and Listening
Even though you are the one leading the call, it is important to remember that business phone calls are a two-way conversation. In other words, you should not be the only one doing the talking! Give other people the opportunity to speak and actively listen to what they have to say. 

End The Call On A Good Note
It is always a good idea to end the call on a good note. You can accomplish this by summarizing the main points of the call and discussing the next steps. In addition, be sure to thank everyone for taking the time out of their busy day to attend the meeting. 

At Reliable Voice & Data Systems, we believe that conducting business phone calls should be easy. If your current business phone system is not working properly, we can help you find the perfect replacement. To learn more or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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How To Manage Your Time During Incoming Calls

There are only so many hours in a workday and it is up to each individual employee to make them count. It can be difficult to manage your time wisely when you are constantly answering the phone. Below are some tips that can help you with time management for incoming calls.

Get Your Priorities Straight
Knowing how to prioritize your workload is an indispensable skill that can be applied to any job. When you are handling an incoming call, start to think about whether or not the situation at hand should be considered a high priority. If it is not, you may be able to put it on the back burner and deal with it later in the day.

Give Them Your Email Address
For matters that are not urgent, you can give callers your email address as another means of communication. That way, they can communicate with you directly and you can get back to them when you have time. This will give you more time in your workday to handle tasks that are at the top of your to-do list.

Let Incoming Calls Go To Voicemail
There may come a time when you need to hunker down and get work done without answering any calls. If you need to take this route, simply let your incoming calls go straight to your voicemail inbox. Be sure to set aside time in your day to follow up with anyone who left a message for you.

Are there technical issues with your current business phone system? If the answer is yes, turn to Reliable Voice & Data Systems for a new one. To learn more or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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Tips For Following Up After A Phone Interview

Phone interviews can be stressful. Once you are done with the call, you may start to stress about following up with the interviewer. Below are some tips that will allow you to do so with ease.

Be Specific
The last thing your potential employer wants to see in your follow up email is a generic thank you note. You can avoid this by referencing specific items that you discussed during the phone interview. Not only will this catch their attention; it will also show that you are a detail-oriented person.

Highlight Your Qualifications
Boasting about your professional experience and accomplishments can be difficult for people who do not like to brag. However, this is the perfect opportunity to remind the interviewer how your skills and qualifications make you a great fit for the role. So go ahead, let them know what you can bring to the table!

Show Appreciation
Make sure you show the interviewer some appreciation for conducting the interview with you. After all, they took precious time out of their busy day to have this conversation with you. A short but sweet thank you note should do the trick.

When your current business phone system is preventing you from having phone interviews with potential candidates, it is time for a change. The professionals here at Reliable Voice & Data Systems can help you find the best phone system for your business. To learn more or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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New Innovations For Security Cameras

Technological advancements are popping up in all different fields. Security cameras are no exception to this rule! Keep reading to learn about innovations that are new to security cameras.

Night Vision Capabilities
It is important to remember that your business location should be safe and secure at all times, and this includes at night. A security camera that has night vision capabilities can help make this possible. Not only can these cameras capture footage in the dark, but they can also record footage during inclement weather events.

Smartphone Compatible
People use their smartphones for everything these days. They can even be used to access footage from a security camera! This allows business owners to know what is going on at their business location at any given time. 

Facial Feature Detection
Security cameras have become so advanced that they can detect faces. This is known as facial recognition. If someone enters your business outside of the normal business hours, the facial recognition feature can help you determine who is trespassing.

If you want a CCTV security camera system that has all of the new bells and whistles, turn to Reliable Voice & Data Systems. We can help you find a CCTV security camera that has the features your business needs. To learn more or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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How Remote Workers Should Approach Conference Calls

Making your presence known on a conference call with plenty of participants can be challenging. This is especially true for those who work remotely. Below are some ways remote workers should approach conference calls.

Avoid Technical Difficulties
Technical difficulties can prevent you from logging into the conference call and no one wants that. Prior to the call, make sure that you know the phone number to dial into and the access code you will need to enter. Once you have joined the call, be sure to mute your line when you are not the one talking.

Give Your Undivided Attention
It goes without saying that remote workers are in a different location than everyone else on the call. However, this environment could be filled with distractions. Do your best to get rid of these distractions so you can give your undivided attention to the conference call. 

Add To The Conversation
Often times, being out of sight lends itself to being out of mind. You can turn this phrase on its head by speaking up on the call at the appropriate time. People usually wait until the end of the call to ask questions or add comments. 

Is your current phone system not equipped to handle the needs of remote workers? If this rings true for you, turn to Reliable Voice & Data Systems to help you find one that does. To learn more or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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How To Enhance Communication Between Your Company and Your Clients

There is no way to overstate the importance of strong communication in business relationships. Failing to have an effective communication strategy with clients can lead to a loss of their business. Below are some tactics you can use to enhance communication between your company and your clients.

Have Frequent Calls With Clients
Staying in touch with your clients is key to maintaining a positive professional partnership. One of the best ways to connect with your clients is through weekly or monthly phone calls. This will show the client that you are committed to having an ongoing conversation with them.

Listen Closely
When it comes to communication, speaking is only half of it. The other half is compromised of your ability to actively listen to what the other party is saying. Listen to understand their point of view; rather than just listening to respond. 

Encourage Communication On Other Channels
At the end of a phone call, you can let the client know that you are also available to communicate via other means. For instance, you can tell them that they can feel free to email you if they have any questions. This will indicate to the client that you are open to online communication in addition to phone calls.

In the event that your phone system is not allowing you to have productive calls with clients, it is time for a new one. The experts here at Reliable Voice & Data Systems are ready to help you find a phone system that suits all of your needs. To learn more or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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Ways To Be More Persuasive With Customers On The Phone

Whether you are a customer service representative or a sales representative, you know how important it is to be persuasive with customers over the phone. Have you mastered the art of persuasion? If not, below are some tips that can help you enhance this area of your professional career.

Show Empathy
It is easier to make a connection with a customer when you are empathetic to their needs. In order to discover what the customer needs, find out what their pain points are and empathize with them. They will be more likely to hear you out when you show that you understand their point of view. 

Be Straightforward
When talking to a customer over the phone, the last thing you want to do is confuse them by using jargon that is specific to your industry. Instead, speak in simple terms that anyone would be able to understand. After all, if they don't know what you are talking about, it will be difficult to persuade them!

Reiterate The Main Points
You can leave a lasting impression on the customer by reiterating the main points of your sales pitch. This can be accomplished by repeating the key aspects of your speech in a slightly different way. That way, the customer will have the opportunity to see the benefits of your elevator pitch from multiple angles.

If your phone system is preventing you from connecting with potential customers, it is time to invest in a new one. The professionals here at Reliable Voice & Data Systems are ready to help you find a phone system that is ideal for your business. To learn more or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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