
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Steps to Help Grow Your Business in 2017

voip long island

Trying to grow and expand a small business can be one of the most difficult jobs you’ll ever have to try and do. However, if you want yours to be successful, you’ll have to pull out all of the right stops to accomplish this feat. If you’re looking to grow your small business for the new year, here’s what you need to do.

Increase Advertising
Take a look at your current marketing plan and see how it performed over the last year. See which areas were most effective, least effective, and channels you have yet to explore. With all of this information, reallocate your budget to whichever method was most successful. If you haven’t already, look into digital marketing (content, social media, mobile) as this is the fastest growing form of marketing available to businesses.

The Buddy System
Non-competing small businesses can help each other grow if they stick together. One business owner might know people that could benefit another business owner, vice versa. By being friendly with all non-competing small businesses in your area, you can help them grow as they help you grow. After all, a successful community is one that flourishes by working together.

Upgrade Technology
Many businesses can benefit from an upgrade in certain technologies. A business that has employees who are constantly on the road or who live in other areas of the country can be easily accessible if the phone system is upgraded to VoIP. Not only will this system give you the features you need to effectively communicate with employees and consumers, but it will also cut your phone bills in half.

Growing your small business in 2017 is certainly possible if you follow all of the right steps. When it’s time to upgrade your phone system to VoIP, contact Reliable Voice & Data Systems. To learn more, or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Holiday Shopping Incidents That Can Take Place in Your Small Business

CCTV security cameras

The holiday season is filled with love, joy, and of course -- crazy holiday shoppers! Trying to shop in the month of December can be a hectic and oftentimes dangerous time of year. If you own, manage, or work in a small business, here are a few things you might witness.

Aggressive Behavior
For small businesses who strategically price their merchandise with sales and discounts, be aware of how your customers interact within the store. Sometimes customers will do anything to check every item off of their holiday shopping list, which is when aggressive behavior comes into play. Be aware of any customers who might be pushing, yelling, or starting fights to get what they want (from employees or other customers).

Car Accidents
When a business is located in a mall, shopping plaza, or on a busy street, accidents are bound to happen. Mixing aggressive behavior with an abundant amount cars is a recipe for disaster in the parking lot. Customers can get into fender benders, strike pedestrians, and cause hit and runs. Always pay extra attention when you’re in the parking areas during this time of year.

When the foot traffic in your store increases, this will naturally increase the odds of merchandise being stolen. More people in the store at once will also make it easier for shoplifters to hide product on their person without being seen by employees. Managers should tell all employees to be more alert during this month, as well as checking security cameras throughout the day.

If there is ever an incident in your small business involving aggressive shoppers, car accidents, or shoplifters, having CCTV cameras installed can provide you with evidence to protect your business. To learn more about CCTV, or to schedule a free estimate with Reliable Voice & Data Systems, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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Friday, December 9, 2016

Tips to Prevent Shoplifting This Holiday Season

No matter the time of year, shoplifting is a constant problem that every business needs to worry about. However, this problem skyrockets during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Utilize a few of these tips to try and reduce the number of shoplifters in your small business.

Train Employees to…
  • Always keep an eye out for suspicious activity
  • Speak to every customer that enters the building
  • If a customer seems to be lingering in a specific area for too long, ask them if they would like some assistance
  • Know and walk around areas where shoplifting occurs most

Keep an Eye Out For Customers Who…
  • Refuse to make eye contact with employees
  • Stand in blind spots of the store
  • Repeatedly walk in and out of the store
  • Are visually nervous

Every business should worry about shoplifting, but they should also worry about employee theft. No one has more accessibility to merchandise and money than the people who work for the business.

To reduce employee theft, a business owner should…
  • Pop into the store at random times without letting employees know
  • Randomly check the inventory and registers throughout the month to make sure all of the numbers are adding up and nothing is missing
  • Offer rewards to employees who catch other employees stealing
  • Utilize a POS system where all items are logged and recorded for future analysis
  • Install a CCTV security system throughout the store and at each point of entry

Shoplifting is a crime that can seriously hurt the bottom line of every small business owner. When you want to beef up security in your store, contact Reliable Voice & Data Systems. To learn more about CCTV security systems, or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+!

Friday, December 2, 2016

3 Ways Your Business Can Save Money Instantly

No matter if your business is large or small, saving money is a goal of ALL businesses. While all owners and managers should be constantly finding new ways to decrease expenses and increase profits, there are a few things you can do right now to instantly save money.

business costs | voip

Eliminate the Dinosaurs
Having a fax machine (or purchasing one for a new business) is a large expense that can be avoided altogether. Luckily, there are fax by email services you can sign up for that allow you to send a certain number of faxes per month via email. Now that the fax machine is gone, you might as well get rid of the filing cabinets while you’re at it. Transferring all of your paper data to a digital storage space will save you office space and expenses on future cabinet and office supplies.

Utilize Work-From-Home
There are some businesses that can easily have some of their employees work remotely without ever having to come into the office (except for occasional meetings). Providing employees with this option will allow your business to save money on internet packages and monthly bills. Not only will your business save money, but this could be an opportunity for employees to save money as well. A win-win for everyone!

Switch to VoIP
All businesses must pay their bills, but there are ways to cut down on some of these. By cancelling your current traditional telephone system plan and switching to VoIP, you can save hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of dollars on your monthly phone bills. Not only will you save money without sacrificing quality and reliability, but you will also receive additional features such as video conferencing, data tracking, and call forwarding.

When you own a business, saving money on expenses is just as important as turning a profit. For those businesses interested in learning more about VoIP telephone systems, contact Reliable Voice & Data Systems. To learn more, or to schedule a free estimate, give us a call at (877) 385-6657.

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